Summer Internship: Anne Gaudard Correa Rangel

June 5, 2024 Charis Ochu

Although the spring semester has concluded, our students continue to work diligently, gaining valuable experience, honing their skills, and creating lasting memories. 今年夏天, we will highlight students who are interning, volunteering, or traveling around the world. If you know someone who you would like to be featured, please contact us at! 

名称: Anne Gaudard Correa Rangel 

首页town: Curitiba, Brazil 

Major/Minor: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/ Honors 

Internship: 研究


Anne stands in front of Augusta University.Tell me about your internship: I’m currently part of a 研究 Experience for Undergraduates (REU). I am working as an intern at Augusta University, which is located in Georgia, right by the border of South Carolina. I am working for the Department of Biostatistics. The internship lasts from May 20th until July 19th. During this time, I will be working on a research project with my mentor while also participating in different workshops and seminars where I will learn more about the research process. At the end of the internship, there will be a poster presentation where I will get to share details about my research. 

How HSU has helped you get there: The faculty and staff at HSU helped me through every step of the process. They offered assistance with applying to the internship, writing recommendation letters, going through my visa process, and encouraging me to pursue this opportunity. I would not be here if it weren’t for the help and encouragement that I received from HSU. 

Most impactful mentors: Many professors and staff members have guided me through my time at HSU, and I am incredibly thankful for their support. Dr. Jemima Ingle has been a great influence in my life, helping me through the challenging chemistry classes, guiding me through my internship process, and helping me prepare for my future career. 

Reason for choosing this internship opportunity and how it will prepare you for the future: After graduating from HSU, I hope to attend graduate school and pursue a degree in analytical chemistry. Participating in this summer internship will help me gain more experience in the field of research and equip me for my future career. 

What you are looking forward to the most in this internship: This is my first time in Georgia, and I have been enjoying exploring new places! I am also really thankful for the people that I am working with here at Augusta University. I am excited for the last day when all the other interns and I will get to share our research during the poster presentation.
